Academic Advising
Academic Advising Center
The Academic Advising Center (AAC) coordinates advising for Trinity undergraduates until they declare their majors. We offer general and specialized advising appointments, in addition to a network of advising resources and services to help students explore the many curricular and co-curricular opportunities at Duke.
General Advising
Drop-in Advising (during the academic year): Tues 2:00-4:00PM, Wed 10:00-12:00PM, Thurs 1:00-3:00PM
You can also schedule an in-person appointment with a member of our team if you have general questions that require more time than a quick drop-in meeting, or you’re not sure who to go to with your questions.
Specialized Advising
Schedule a meeting with a specialized advisor, who has expertise in either the arts and humanities, global and civic opportunities, natural and quantitative sciences, or social sciences. Specialized advisors are available to discuss major, minor and certificate choice, and academic planning, including curricular and co-curricular opportunities.