Welcome to Sociology!

Sociology majors at Duke are equipped with an extremely diverse skill set, including research proficiencies, analytical expertise, problem- solving and critical thinking abilities, that can be applied to tackle many of the most important questions facing society today. Alumni of our department have led major corporations, founded non-profit organizations, and worked in leading positions within government. Sociology graduates also attend top medical schools, law schools, and business schools where their expansive training in the study of human relationships makes them stand out above others.

Departmental website: https://sociology.duke.edu/


All first majors must be cleared for registration by their advisors in person. We recommend that all majors arrange periodic planning sessions with their advisor. The discussions should cover not only courses in the major but your larger academic program and the evolution of your career plans and job search activities. We want to assist you in whatever way we can. You can find contact information and more about advising here.

Here are some helpful things that you can do when you meet with your advisor:

  • Come prepared. Know what you want to accomplish in each session. 
  • Sketch a long range plan, even a tentative one. Revise as necessary. 
  • Each semester, check your status with respect to required courses. 
  • List the courses you would prefer to take but also think about and prepare a backup set of courses in case those you choose are closed. Remember, seniors and juniors have priority in course assignments. 
  • Check your email.  Contact your advisor several days prior to your registration window. 
  • If you don't know your advisor, and pre-registration is approaching, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Requirements and General Information

Learn more about major, minor and certificate requirements, and general information for new majors.