Graduate Business School Advisor
Academic Dean for Robertson Scholars
Dean for Student Athletes
Member of the ROTC Officer Education Committee, Trinity Policy Review Committee, and Student Conduct Hearing Panel
About me
Originally from the Finger Lakes Region of upstate, NY, my academic journey began with a BS degree in Economics from Cornell University and an MBA from Wake Forest University. After working as an analyst for Ernst & Young, I served for ten years as a senior administrator in university advancement for several campuses.
Based upon my desire to engage more directly with students, I pursued graduate training in the field of History, earning MA degrees in History and Public History at NC State University and a Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University.
Prior to joining Duke, I was the assistant head for the History department at NC State where I served as the director of undergraduate advising and led the Honors Program in History. I taught courses on the American West, U.S. Environmental history, North American Borderlands (for the University Honors Program), and a senior research capstone on U.S. National Parks & Wilderness.
At Duke, I have enjoyed the opportunity to teach HI 345: North American Environmental History and HI 336: North America to 1760. Having earned recognition for my role in the classroom at both NC State and Duke, I am committed to the intellectual growth and development of students so that they may fully participate as leaders in their communities.