You will need to send an official transcript from Duke and ALL colleges or universities where you attempted college coursework. Also order a copy of your transcript for yourself and use this to enter your courses and grades on your primary application to ensure accuracy. The listing of courses on your application must be identical to how courses are listed on your transcript(s).
Please follow the directions on the Duke Registrar's webpage for guidance on how to order your Duke transcript.
You can find the transcript request form on the AMCAS application ( Complete the "identifying information" section and the "schools attended" section of the application. Doing so will pre-populate the transcript request form with information on the school (e.g., Duke), including the mailing address of the Registrar’s Office and your AAMC ID number. The Registrar’s Office will attach the transcript request form to the transcript that they send to AMCAS. The form will be used to help match the transcript with your application, reducing the chance for transcripts to be lost and avoiding delays in processing.
To have the Duke Registrar’s Office send your transcript to other health professions schools, follow the same general instructions.
Although AMCAS will not begin to process your application until June, you can have your transcript sent before you submit your application. We recommend that you send your transcript(s) in May, as soon as final grades from the spring semester have been entered.
Study Abroad and Foreign Transcripts are not accepted. If you participated in a Duke-approved study abroad program through a domestic institution other than Duke you will be required to submit a transcript from the sponsoring domestic institution. If you participated in a “Duke in” program and have taken Duke courses, those courses and grades will be listed directly on your Duke transcript and these courses will be calculated into your AMCAS GPA.