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Advising Unavailable

Advising will be unavailable on the following dates:

  • Thursday, February 13th

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The Office of Pre-Law Advising at Duke University serves undergraduate students and alumni from Trinity College and the Pratt School of Engineering as well as current graduate/professional students at Duke who are interested in law school.

There is no “pre-law track” at Duke. Any student with any undergraduate major can apply to law school.  The design of the Trinity undergraduate curriculum equips students well with the skills that are needed to be successful in law school.


Announcements & Upcoming Events

Stay up-to-date about all the activities, news, and opportunities available to assist you on your path to law school by subscribing to our Pre-Law Newsletter

Also, visit our Upcoming Events page for more details about events that we feel you find informative and helpful.

Office of Pre-Law Advising

Patrice Barley, J.D.
Academic Dean &
Pre-Law Advisor

Terry Wilkerson
Assistant for Pre-Law Advising

04 Allen Building
Box 90048
Durham, NC 27708-0048

The Office of Pre-Law Advising sponsors programming with the undergraduate pre-law society, Bench & Bar, and distributes information to all students considering applying to law school. Bench & Bar and the Black Pre-Law Society are the only pre-law groups that are directly affiliated with this office.

Bench & Bar Pre-Law Society

All pre-law students are invited and encouraged to join the undergraduate pre-law society, Bench & Bar. The Office of Pre-Law Advising partners with Bench & Bar to offer programming relevant to all pre-law students.

Sign-up Here

Black Pre-Law Society

The Black Pre-Law Society (BPLS) at Duke seeks to diversify the legal profession by promoting transparency and accessibility to resources regarding the law school admissions process and the legal profession for Black-identifying undergraduate students.

Sign-up Here


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