Building a Plan of Action for Business School After Duke
As You Leave Duke
- Take the GMAT, if not already, shortly after graduation. You should be conditioned to enter a challenging test situation after having just been involved in the rigors of academic study. Scores are reported for five years after the test date and most schools accept scores as long as they are reported.
- Approach professors and administrators you may ask to write recommendations. When meeting with them, explain your plans and ask if in the future they would be willing to serve as a reference. You should also offer to bring them up-to-date periodically. It is safe to say that if a recommendation for Duke is needed, it will only be one.
Once You Leave
- Keep abreast of the business world and business schools. Read current literature; inquire about schools from associates; visit campuses when traveling; attend an MBA forum where schools gather.
- Choose a work experience that will help define career goals. There is no one best kind of work to choose; rather, it should be such that you can gain some insight into yourself as a professional as well as knowledge of the functions engaged in the work-a-day world. The dilemma of overcommitting to a job concerns many who seek two or three years' experience. In the past, consulting firms, teaching positions, and financial management groups have allowed for easy movement from work back to school.
- Feel free to write or call the Business School Advisor for information and advice.
- Enroll in courses to extend your preparation for business school. If not already taken, courses in calculus, accounting, computer science, statistics, microeconomics, and foreign language will be invaluable. While all may not be required for admission to a program, they will certainly improve your understanding of the material encountered in the business school.
- Request transcripts from the Office of the Registrar. The request must be made in writing, or on the form available in that office.